
Message from the President

Dennis Rarick

Dear members of the IMA - Cleveland East Chapter,

I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits as we embark on the first quarter of 2024. As we enter a new year, I am filled with gratitude for the dedication and commitment each one of you has shown towards our chapter's growth and success.

Looking ahead, I am confident that the first quarter of 2024 will bring new opportunities for us to continue our journey towards excellence. Our chapter's mission remains unchanged - to provide a platform for professional development, networking, and knowledge sharing in the field of management accounting.

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Chapter News

  • 1st Annual IMA Ohio Regional Council Conference

    Just a friendly reminder that the Early Bird Discount ends this Saturday, August 17th at Noon.   The conference is September 19th and 20th at Cleveland State University.

    There is a tremendous lineup of speakers for this conference and you will enjoy learning the last trends for accountants today. 


  • Congratulations to Aaron Crow!!

    Congratulations to Aaron Crow who recently passed the CMA exam.   Aaron is an Assistant Controller at MRI Software. He is looking forward to networking with our members.

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